
February 3, 2010

HP6 - A Review

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince is just as good as the previous ones. I expected a lot from J.K.Rowling's sixth book ... but ... it was much above my expectations. The way she describes the story with adventure, courageousness, bravery, friendship and a tinge of romance. On the whole it is all adventure, adventure and more adventure. It is this part, where Harry, the central character of the story , gets to know about the Horcruxes ( lives of Voldemort, the one who killed Harry's parents). At the end they guess some Horcruxes, but we aren't sure whether they are the actual Horcruxes. I am not going to tell the story of the book. Figure it out if you want to know. I would like if someone who had watched the movie tell me how is it. But if you want to read this book, obviously, start reading it from the first book.

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