
March 27, 2010

Eeram - A Review

Ah! My blog has been flooded by lots of reviews! But this one is going to be the best one, I think.

Just now, finished seeing the film. The film is a suspense thriller then kills you till the end of the movie. Mixed with romance, this film is surely a melodrama.

The story begins with the death of Ramya, Vasu's lover who is now married to Bala. Vasu, being a police inspector, investigates the crime. After Ramya's death, many residents of the flat get murdered. People have no idea on the reason behind it. At the end of the first half of the story, Vasu suspects a person, and it becomes that person who is the culprit. Audiences might think there would be nothing in the second half as they culprit is found so early, but you are wrong. The whole of the story which includes Ramya's death and the death of others is portrayed only in the second half.

About the technical matters, direction by Arivazhagan is awesome. Everything looks real and scary. I think that is more than enough. In addition to that, the cast is superb! Even though the people are not so famous, they did a fantastic job. The cast was completely appropriate. The BGM was splendid! Very apt for a suspense thr(k)iller. Have any guesses why this film has been named 'Eeram'? Well its because the killer uses water as a medium to kill others.

Well not satisfied with the information right? Want to know more? Watch the movie then.

March 3, 2010

3 Idiots - A Review

Just a couple of weeks before, I saw this film. Wah! How can I describe this movie? This movie was simply superb.

Its about how three people get into a college with different family backgrounds and become close friends. Farhan is from a middle class family who wants to become a wildlife photographer(but unfortunately, he is forced to study engineering by his parents) while Raju's family is very poor and his character resembles Alok's(if you have read Five Point Someone). Rancho is a from a very rich family and is friendlier towards the other two. He believes that learning is something where you experience a lot and enjoy, not something done for becoming whatever the father says. Rancho falls in love with Pia, his prof's daughter. Exciting situations and unhappy moments circle them all the time. Wish I would like to go to a good college and enjoy my life. For further details about the movie, just watch it. Keep chanting the only mantra: Aal Iz Well(not all, it's aal).