
June 8, 2011

Title: Let it remain 'Untitled'.. Oh w8.. that's a title!!! Wow! Finally after an hour!!!

Q: What's causing boredom?

1.The most non-amusing cookery shows, anti-Platypus cartoons, non-sense Savings and Investments ads, Repeated Aadithya comedies, boring Ramdev stories, happy-ending soaps, songs with swearing lyrics, non-3D movies, ETC.
Walking! I left that out!
2. Your area being empty and finding no one to play with.

3. Heat that evaporates your creativity (don't ask me how)

4. Sudden rains that cause unexpected guests to sneak inside the house and play badminton with it everyday.

5. Checking your blog and you think of a post, but magically just makes your hand to stop just after writing the post title.
Duh!! What now?!?!?

6. Checking Facebook every fifteen minutes to find out you've got any notifications.
7. IIT classes that give you five days holidays but deadline to complete the twenty three assignments in those days. 

8. Hands feeling itchy because you haven't pinched your grandma's ears for a few days.
9. Pradeep's and R.D.Sharma that cause you to swap the book after every five-step sums.
10. Parents giving you the responsibility to clean the room and you end up messing it more or sneezing for the rest of the day (it's me)
11. Calling the school or talking to friends to find out when the date of results would be
12. When you're given a mango to eat when you tummy is just full.
13. And when you're not given anything to eat or when nothing's in the fridge to eat when hungry and THEY ask you to go to the shop and then buy something.
14. You wish to develop artistic mind and like to paint something and you just get frustrated even if it is an abstract image and just leave the place messy.
15. Read books which put you off to a nice little cute nap.
16. Your sibling is quite busy with the TV when you are bored without fighting with him/her.
17. Parents not allowing to go outside for you had fallen down and had your hand wrapped with concrete-like substance.
18. When it's your friend's birthday at the time of may and you are not in town to attend his party (or rather 'treat')
Ennada Ippadi Panniteye??
19. Eating idlis and dosas everyday.

After wonderful moments of enjoying, eating, swimming, sleep-overs, dhabba-ing, attending mokkai lecture classes and many with your cousins, it's a bad time when you're leaving them.. Life becomes boring without a company..

I wonder if I have a monkey with me for a company.. but you know how children get humiliated when parents know this..

And then I spare some time to do all kinds of idiotic designing the blog (how's it? comment please) and some time fixing my 1997 speakers.

And this lovely lady! Oh! Sweet girl!!! Love her voice. Been a great fan of her since um.. 2008, I suppose? Anyways, I have been addicted to 'Aromale' and 'Chali Chaliga' so many times so that I start humming these songs silently in the bathroom (I haven't been a bathroom singer) and all the times when I check fb.

I advise you, never to get this BSNL landline! I have been complaining so many times and this is how the conversation goes..

Him (in a voice of a husband being woken up by his wife at late night): BSNL, here.
Me: Is it BSNL?
Him: (therinjikitte kekarana?) Yes sir, What do you want?
Me: I have complained so many times to you that my landline isn't proper.
Him: What's your number sir?
Me: (*facepalm*, Why didn't i realise that i was supposed to tell this first?) 2-4-3-3-1-6-8-9
Him: Now tell your problem sir
Me: Um.. just that you haven't taken any action till now for my landline. I have complained so many times before that there is some cross-line problem.
Him: I will check it sir
Me: I want it to be done soon. I don't want to hear anymore 'naan idli suttutaen. nee vad pottu vaa' or 'ava pakkathu veetu paiyanoda odi poitaan' and all kinds of stuffs that I keep hearing in my landline.
Him: (ivan kekavae mattanaa?) Sure sir.. We'll get this done soon.

Yawns. And finally decides to stoop writing because heat has evaporated his creativity. (check out the option number 3! wait, wait .. did I have it?)

Howz it? 
Comment which option suits you. 

Have a Smiling Nose

Bye B-)


April 5, 2011


To start with…

This is my home. OUR HOME; on the homeland of God! It has been two years since I met my grandparents. My grandmother is just too cute. I just grab her cheek and pinch it till it hurts her and asks me to stop it. She gives me a warm kiss as a greeting to our home. My grandpa is taller me. It’s his genes that I inherit.  When anyone asks me what my goal is, I just reply that I have no idea or just say that I want to become as tall as my grandpa. I was boasting about my height when I was in seventh or eighth (I don’t remember properly…) as I exceeded my grandma’s height. My grandpa was a doctor. My grandma was a Malayalam teacher in a corporation school. She retired a few years back. The boat, the river, the coconut trees that bade good bye with their leaves as I leave this place and go to Chennai, the air of divinity and the liveliness of the place that lightens up a human’s mind and soul…. It was all in THEKKADY!!!

It took me a few seconds to realize that I was at my apartment in Chennai. My dad was paying the auto driver and I got down with the luggage. 

The house was perfectly alright. No mess and everything were very clean… except for the floor of course! My mom had already cleaned everything before we went to Thekkady. And strange thing was that we had heard that there wasn’t any theft this time at any of our neighboring houses. 

Less time for school means more tension. And more joy by the way... I have to get a new bottle, new uniforms that we gave for tailoring purposes, and many more. 

June 18

It is the first day of school. Well, I just knew tenth classes were on the third floor, so just guessing our classroom would also be there too, I just went up and saw almost all my friends over there.  I was happy. 

That class seemed to be where my classmates are seated. And that is X D!

So I just squatted there and commented on the changes that I observed in their physical appearance (oh my god! Look at you! You’ve grown so tall! … Oh! Your voice has been broken! … Um.. You are just the way you were…).

And so suddenly a teacher asks us to just come out to the corridor… and she says.. we are going to be shuffled…..

‘My God!’
‘Oh my god Shit!’ , came out the voices.

I was in a dilemma on how to respond : to cry or to just shut my mouth up and be patient. I chose the second one… and if I had left the choice to you.. you would have chosen that for me too.

The teacher called out the names in each class. I saw my friends moving to different classes. My name was listed in X C.

I just knew four people: S.Srinivas, Nithesh, Vishal Deva and Shankaran.

I waited... we all four were looking at others as if the other students in our class were cannibals and we were their sumptuous target…

Our class teacher was Bhavana ma’am and she was our mathematics teacher. She was by-ENLARGE a good teacher: I heard so…
And then she was dictating the time table.. all this time… I was silent.

Then she left and came in Giridhar sir, who is our chemistry teacher. I always love his teaching and his way of keeping up humour and sarcasm throughout the class. No one can be his pet. He just loves us as being students in a way that everybody is equally treated.  Well, he didn’t start anything on the first day, but we all had a good time answering his questions about our interest in chemistry.

When he left, we saw Prabhu sir getting in. I never had his class before but I just knew that he was our history teacher. He just didn’t like any of introductions and started of reading the text book. It was hard to put everything in my mind whatever he said in class.

The next period in the time table pointed out to be Biology class. Satyabama ma’am is definitely an excellent teacher, and I inferred that from her first class. Just that she was always on a serious mood, I felt. I difn’t know much about her either. 

I became hungry. But there were no chances of escaping English period.  Geetha Sugumar ma'am was our English teacher. She resembled a reptile from which they say birds developed wings. Another hint: those species are extinct. For the first time, I realized it was very true. She was sweet, though than any other teacher.

Now, that it is lunch break, there was one question that was popping up in our minds:  can we go to other class to eat lunch? We thought of nothing later, and just bravely decided to go to X A where most our ex-IX D students belonged too.  It was certainly happy to hear that everybody had the same feeling that I had when we heard the news about shuffling.

After the burp and the bell, we had to go back to our class and dig out our time tables to find out the period. It was math. Bhavana ma’am is the best math teacher I’ve ever seen! Trigonometry! That’s the chapter we started with, and I loved her way of teaching! And one thing that still keeps me happy is the praise I got from her for choosing an easier way of solving a problem. She said ‘Good’ with my name twice, but that rang inside my mind for two days. You know, the feeling that you might have felt if somebody sees you for the first time, praises you! My mom always used to say ‘First impression is the best impression’. I realized it.

The sixth period was geography. Mridula Mahesh ma’am was just a normal teacher. A normal teacher means a normal teacher. And why she is like that is because she is normal. And so she is normal. And since she is a teacher, she is a normal teacher: HER INFLUENCE MADE ME WRITE LIKE THIS. So you must be knowing about her now…

The seventh was physics with Hemamalini ma’am. I don’t want to talk about it. I had a clear Idea of physics, but she ruined it. Duh!

The eight one was Physical Training. Logabhushan sir was absent that day, so  ‘Poduma Susi’ ma’am gave us permission just to play basketball. Finally we pleaded her to give us volley ball too. 

The last four classes are boring. That’s all I could say…

The last class: Generally, many ask me, ‘Why did you take tamil?’. I’m a tamzhan. I speak tamil at home. My relatives live in Thekkady, that’s it! But we speak tamil only. 
And so this period was tamil. Rani ma’am was our teacher for many years, so she knows about me and my studies and she left us free. Without bothering about her so much, I started to talk with my friends.

Wait a minute...ALL HAPPENED IN ONE DAY??? Was it too slow?

Well, the rest of the days are totally opposite to it. My class, I realized was too cool and lovely! I also became a bigger chatterbox this time… I came to know about rumours of many people and I also became a master ( :P )of ICING many teachers. I learnt to mimic like teachers and also to be happy a lot. 


There is this one thing: Everytime, I used to get a good name in the first PTAM, then in the final meeting, all the teachers would go off disappointed and give me a good titile of being TALKATIVE

But this time… it was:
BHAVANA MA’AM:  What Pranav you mean? Well, he is….